Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 3, 6 June

We could hardly sleep so it was easy to get on the road at 0800. Since we were going only a short way we stopped in at the American Motorcycle Assn. museum for a visit. The current bikes are themed on stars of screen and music. Although they are popular I did not have much of a clue about most of the owners. The bikes were neat so it was not totally lost on me. We then rode to Mark's niece (Melissa) and Troy's house. They have the ultimate man cave without any of the rough edges. We found time to plink with some Glock 40s, an AR15 and shotgun. What a great way to spend time on a bike ride. Melissa is a Sheriff's deputy, as is Troy so they can entertain with cop stories. He is a K9 cop and that's even more fun.

We only rode 90 miles today. Tomorrow we plan to go to Mackinaw MI, 385 miles.


  1. Hey, thinking of you today. Sorry you only got to ride 90 this day--there will be more days, LOTS of riding (and soon) and of course you know that. Sounds like you are having fun so far. I want to know about how the technology is serving you (with a view toward purchasing my own gear for Turkey). We are heading to NYC tomorrow with the girls. Museum of Natural History and lots of junk food. That's our "schedule". You would be proud of our day's work today: serious garden labor. Chris is a zealot. Our garden is more an architectural phenomenon with vegetative features. You will smile. We love you and wish you safe travels! xoxo

  2. p.s. tried to add photo of garden, no dice. Not sure why. We have lots of kid and garden pics. Tune into Chris's facebook page (chris casey, brookfield CT) for upates.

  3. Peter,
    We had a great time yesterday, I hope you guys have time to stop by on your way home. Marissa found a ziplock bag with your mileage log. If you need this we can overnight it to Mark's friend in MN or to the tire guy in AK. I hope you guys have a fun and safe rest of the trip... Troy

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!! (I wrote in all caps because that's the only Large Print option I had at hand, and I know how "old people" are. Can't see a thing)
